Tuesday 13 September 2011

Ferris Bueller's Day Off Movie Analysis

  • Beginning shows a normal family home.
  • Starting of the trialer is dialect about the main chararcter.
  • The beginning of the trailer links in with the title; as it shows the audience he is ill and he's not going into school. 
  • The trailer also shows that the siblings do not get along.
  • The institution is show, and with this film the institution is very well known. 
  • Main Character gives us direct address by speaking directly into the camera.
  • Music starts of from after the main storyline has been given.
  • The transistion slides are always repeating, to give more effect.
  • Second piece of music goes with the film as its main line is ''we dont need no education''
  • No narration, just dialogue.
  • Main characters last name is repeated alot ''Bueller''.
  • Ferris Bueller used James Bond main line which is easily recognisable, 'Bueller, Ferris Bueller''.- ''Bond, James Bond''
  • At the end the pace starts to get very fast as its the same as the music.

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