Friday 28 October 2011

Submarine- After Viewing

Submarine makes very extensive use of voiceover.

What effects do you think are achieved by having Oliver speak directly to the audience through voiceover?
Having the main character doing the voiceovers is really good because from that its already very different to many films who have a random person doing the voiceovers. It will definatly help gain the audience's attention because they would be getting much more closer to Oliver than of he never done the voiceovers and we just saw what was on screen. Having Oliver do them shows the audience  what he really thinks about whats going on in his life, and he gets to tell us himself what is going on in his life and in his mind.

Do you think there is a gap between what Oliver says about himself and the reality that we see on screen? If so, what effects does this create.
No, i personally dont think that there is a gap between what Oliver says about himself to what the audeince see on screen because  he is very open about his life in the film. It engages us as he tells us things through voiceover and then he does it on screen/ tries to do it on screen.
But if there was gap between Oliver doing voiceover then what the aduience see on screen then that would effect the audience because they would be confused about the 2 different things that Oliver has been saying.

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