Tuesday 18 October 2011

Submarine- Before Viewing

Directed By-Richard Ayoade
Running Time-97 minutes
Reason why we're analysing this film- as its from a teenagers prospective.


What sort of feeling and impact can music videos have and what effect could a music video style sequence achieve in a film?-Music videos can be very effective because they show the meaning of what the song and the lyrics to it is actually about. Music videos have a big impact on movies as they show the expressions between each scene and the songs played meanwhile. The music in the music video style sequence can reflect the emotion of whats going on, on the screen and it also adds atmosphere.

Can you think of other films which feature extended montage sequences that are quite like music videos? -Angus Thongs & Perfect Snogging also has music as a big part throughout the film. The ending of the trailer to this film shows some features that music videos could possibly have.

Ayoade's Music Videos
Arctic Monkeys- Fluorescent Adolescent

This video could be cinematic as it shows a similar theme to a high speed action scene from a film. It also suggests that the scene from the movie would be scary because clowns have been used and clowns are seen as scary things.

Vampire Weekend- Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa

This video has some cinematic features which tell us a story as there is a girl who we think has a boyfriend and whilst there is a party going on her 'boyfriend' is singing a song for another girl. This could eaily be seen as a scene from a romantic film. But then the whole scenery changes as it gets all scary and frightning and theres fire and alot of black and candles;hence another scene but from a different tyoe of horror film.

Kasabians- Vlad The Impaler
There are some similarities of themes in this music video of diffrerent scenes from a horror/scary film. This is mostly all set out in low key lighting which puts the 'frightning' effect on it.

Trailer For Submarine.
Do you see any similarities in terms of visual style? Can you identify any stylistic or thematic motifs across these texts?

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